
What Is InsurAware™?

InsurAware™ is a SaaS technology and end-to-end digital distribution platform built on state-of-the-art data analytics, behavioral science, and artificial intelligence. It provides financial institutions with cost-effective and precise digital marketing of relevant customer solutions.
What Is InsurAware™?

  • Leadership

    Our leadership team brings a diverse mix of industry knowledge and executive-level experience across multiple financial sectors. We have a shared vision of making risk transfer solutions available to all markets by increasing awareness, accessibility, and the ease of finding the right solutions specific to their needs.

  • Data-Driven, Test, and Learn Culture

    We garner intelligence from the vast amount of data available and identify the most convenient and effective ways to increase market penetration. We use continuous learning techniques and tools to provide automated and machine learning expertise. We optimize industry data and already available knowledge to improve audience targeting.

  • Digital Transformation

    We provide an end-to-end digital experience by incorporating the latest tools and techniques to reduce new business acquisition time and cost.